By now we all know the extremes people would go to advocate for the much needed change so this should not even tick a chord of awe in any one. Pop star, Katy Perry says she would strip to promote and campaign for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Katy who is a staunch supporter of Hillary has teased fans by sharing a video still of her wearing her birthday suit. She was seen walking through a polling station completely naked, though her modesty is blurred out.
“Tomorrow, I use my body as click bait to help change the world,” she wrote alongside the post shared on Monday – the day of the US Presidential debate.
Katy recently talked about what she’d like to hear during the debates from the two candidates, saying: “National security, gun control, police reform, excess incarceration and women’s rights.”
The roar hit maker was vocal during Monday night’s Presidential debate, which saw the 68-year-old come out victorious.
“She’s smiling with ease cause #shesgothis #ImWithHer #debatenight,” she wrote. “This is like watching a frog sitting in water that is boiling slowly.”
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