Discover a comparison of VTI vs. VTSAX to determine which is best for you! Use the table below to compare their key characteristics.
Last Updated: 1/15/2024
Metrics | VTI | VTSAX |
1-Year Annual Return | 26.03% | 26.01% |
5-Year Annual Return | 15.07% | 15.07% |
Expense Ratio | 0.03% | 0.04% |
Dividend Yield | 1.39% | 1.38% |
Number of Holdings | 3761 | 3761 |
The Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF, identified by the ticker symbol VTI, is an exchange-traded fund managed by Vanguard. VTI is designed to provide broad exposure to the entire U.S. equity market, including small, mid, and large-cap growth and value stocks. While VTI offers diversified exposure to the U.S. stock market, it does not provide international exposure.
VTSAX, or the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Admiral Shares, is a mutual fund offered by Vanguard. The fund aims to track the performance of the CRSP US Total Market Index, encompassing a comprehensive range of U.S. stocks across all capitalization sizes, including small, mid, and large-cap growth and value stocks.
The total return performance including dividends is crucial to consider when analyzing different investment funds.
As of 1/15/2024, VTI has a one year annualized return of 26.03%, while VTSAX has a five year annualized return of 26.01%.
Both VTI and VTSAX pay dividends to their shareholders from the earnings of their underlying stocks. The dividend yield is a measure of how much a company pays in dividends relative to its share price.
As of 1/15/2024 the dividend yield of VTI is 1.39%, while the dividend yield of VTSAX is 1.38%.
The expense ratio is a measure of how much an ETF charges its investors for managing the fund. It is expressed as a percentage of the fund’s assets per year.
The expense ratio is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing an ETF because it directly affects your returns over time. The lower the expense ratio, the more money you get to keep from your investment.
As of 1/15/2024 VTI has an expense ratio of 0.03%, while VTSAX has an expense ratio of 0.04%.
A fund’s holdings are the basket of individual securities that it owns and tracks. It is crucial for investors to analyze a fund’s holdings because they are effectively what you are investing in by purchasing the fund.
As of 1/15/2024 VTI holds 3761 securities, while VTSAX holds 3761.
When comparing investment funds, you may be confused about the difference between an ETF and a mutual fund. Keep in mind, an index fund is a specific type of mutual fund. ETFs are tradeable during the stock market hours, while mutual funds only update once per day.
Mutual funds are pooled investment vehicles that are managed by a fund company or an investment advisor. They issue and redeem shares directly to investors at the end of each trading day based on their net asset value (NAV). Investors can buy and sell mutual fund shares through the fund company or a broker.
ETFs are also pooled investment vehicles that are managed by a fund company or an investment advisor. However, they trade like stocks on an exchange throughout the trading day at market prices that may differ from their NAV. Investors can buy and sell ETF shares through a broker.
Some of the advantages and disadvantages of mutual funds vs ETFs are:
Ultimately, both VTI and VTSAX are solid investment choices. The choice between the two ultimately depends on the exposure you want and the amount of risk you are willing to take.
Hopefully, the information in this article helps you decide which is better for your portfolio. To continue your research, check out our other fund comparison articles as well!
When comparing ETFs, it is crucial that you are comparing the total return to include dividend payments. TradingView allows you to compare several stocks and ETFs at once on a single chart adjusted for dividends.
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